Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The HELIUM MICRO chromatographic complex monitors the quality of helium grades A and B, helium grade 6.0 and liquid helium for the presence of micro-impurities Ne, CH 4, O 2+Ar, N 2, CO, CO 2 and H 2.

The complex for the analysis of pyrolysis products is designed to determine the component composition of gaseous and liquid (optional) products of thermal decomposition (pyrolysis) of biomass, organic, household and industrial waste in automatic flow mode with subsequent calculation of their physico-chemical parameters.

A complex for the analysis of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans in oil. Determination of the mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide, methyl and ethyl mercaptans in oil on the stream using a unique vapor-phase flow-type sampler by chromatographic method in accordance with the developed methodology.

The universal metrological complex is designed for conversion, processing, storage, as well as indication of the state of the technological process, current and calculated parameters, measuring channels.

The complex for the analysis of LNG and steam gas ASG performs a flow analysis of the component composition and physico-chemical parameters of commercial LNG in accordance with GOST R 56021-2014 and steam gas in accordance with GOST 56835-2015, as well as flow control of the composition of technological media in the LNG production process.

Analytical complexes for monitoring the content of organochlorine substances in oil

Systems for measuring the quantity and quality of liquid hydrocarbons are an automated solution for measuring quantitative and qualitative indicators of oil, petroleum products, liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (SHFLU) and other media in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation.

The flow analyzer of the content of H 2 S and CO 2 in amine absorbents consists of:

The information processing unit (BOI) is designed for automated data collection on the parameters of the quantity and quality of natural gas from linear computing systems, data collection on the component composition of natural gas from automatic flow chromatographs and performing mathematical and statistical processing, the formation of archives, reports and data transmission to the automatic control system of the facility.

All GK BAKS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant GK BAKS: mIR coriolis flowmeters, oxygen analyzers, odorant concentration analyzers, chromatographs, gas equipment, oil equipment
  • Coriolis flow meters GK BAKS
    Coriolis flow meters
  • Oil equipment GK BAKS
    Oil equipment
    CICN, BNS, etc.
  • Gas equipment GK BAKS
    Gas equipment
    SIKG, SOG, AGRS, etc.
  • Portable chromatographs GK BAKS
    Portable chromatographs
    H2S, RSH, etc.
  • Industrial chromatographs GK BAKS
    Industrial chromatographs
    PGC 90.50 , etc.
  • Flow chromatographs GK BAKS
    Flow chromatographs
    MAG, MAG-S, etc.
  • Stream Analyzers GK BAKS
    Stream Analyzers
    H2S, CO2, etc.
  • Portable analyzers GK BAKS
    Portable analyzers
    CS 50.430-000, etc.
  • Odorant Analyzers GK BAKS
    Odorant Analyzers
    Anode , etc.
  • Oxygen Analyzers GK BAKS
    Oxygen Analyzers
    Anox et al .
  • Analytical complexes GK BAKS
    Analytical complexes
    Helium Micro, etc.
  • Filters for oil and gas GK BAKS
    Filters for oil and gas
    DN50, DN200, etc.
  • Heat exchangers GK BAKS
    Heat exchangers
    6 kV, 100 kV, etc.
  • Modular buildings GK BAKS
    Modular buildings
    technological , etc .
  • Electronics cabinets and AVR GK BAKS
    Electronics cabinets and AVR
    AVR et al .


The main activity of GC BAKS (Samara) is engineering, production, supply, installation of technological, analytical equipment and automated process control systems for the oil and gas industry.
  • advantages

    High scientific and technical potential, modern creative thinking, attracting promising engineers and scientific and technical specialists to the development.

    The company is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, GOST ISO 9001-2011 and has all the necessary permits (including licenses, certificates, organization standards, etc.).

    The scientific base of the enterprise is provided with the most modern means for creating electronic equipment, mathematical modeling, software development.

Information Board GK BAKS

Learn more about our products GK BAKS.
  • Price list for products of the plant GK BAKS
    Price list for products
  • Questionnaire for ordering a flow meter MIR завода ГК БАКС
    Questionnaire for ordering a flow meter MIR
  • Questionnaire for ordering equipment of GC BUCKS производства ГК БАКС
    Questionnaire for ordering equipment of GC BUCKS
  • Reference list of flowmeters of the WORLD в магазине ГК БАКС
    Reference list of flowmeters of the WORLD


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