Gas equipment GK BAKS SIKG, SOG, AGRS, etc.
Automated gas distribution stations (AGRS) are designed to reduce the high pressure of natural (associated petroleum) gas to a predetermined low pressure and maintain it with the necessary accuracy for delivery to the consumer.
Gas measuring stations (GIS) are designed for continuous automatic measurement of gas flow passing through measuring pipelines, with simultaneous determination of the component composition of the gas and its calorific value.
Natural gas sampling systems SOG KS 50.110-000 (SOG) are designed for indirect sampling of point gas samples from a gas pipeline into a sampling container for further transportation to the place of analysis of the component composition of the gas sample.
Gas distribution points (hydraulic fracturing):
- Hydraulic fracturing of cabinet design
- Hydraulic fracturing of frame design
- Hydraulic fracturing of underground execution
Fuel gas preparation units (BPG) are designed for preliminary preparation, volume accounting and quality control of gas before it is supplied to the booster compressor station and then to the gas turbine.
Gas analysis systems:
- Liquefied Natural gas Analysis System
- Pyrolysis gas analysis system
- Analysis system for monitoring the composition of gases in a gas fractionating plant
- Product analysis system of low-temperature condensation plants (NTC)
- Product analysis system in the Claus process
- Gas analysis systems. Technical description.
The automatic information and measurement system (AIS) for monitoring and accounting of emissions of pollutants is designed for continuous monitoring of the composition and amount of emissions of harmful substances into the environment. It also allows you to evaluate the completeness of technological processes and the effectiveness of gas filtration and purification systems at petrochemical, chemical, oil and gas processing plants.
The ASPECT environmental monitoring system performs continuous automatic measurement of mass/volume concentrations of pollutants, determination of exhaust gas velocity, control of temperature, humidity and emission flow.
The gas quality control unit (BCC) is designed for placement and installation in an explosive zone of control and measuring devices for determining gas parameters (component composition, physico-chemical parameters).
The block compressor station (BCS) is designed for compressing gases to a given operating pressure, as well as for performing other related functions (purification from hydrocarbons and mechanical impurities, drying, cooling, etc.)
The gas flow measurement unit (URG) is designed for commercial or operational (self-accounting) accounting of the consumption of natural or free petroleum gas.
The explosion-proof candle head is designed to protect the purge candle from atmospheric precipitation, safe release of light gases and vapors into the atmosphere.
All GK BAKS products
High scientific and technical potential, modern creative thinking, attracting promising engineers and scientific and technical specialists to the development. -
The company is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, GOST ISO 9001-2011 and has all the necessary permits (including licenses, certificates, organization standards, etc.). -
The scientific base of the enterprise is provided with the most modern means for creating electronic equipment, mathematical modeling, software development.
- (727)345-47-04
- (3955)60-70-56
- (8182)63-90-72
- (8512)99-46-04
- (3852)73-04-60
- (4722)40-23-64
- (4162)22-76-07
- (4832)59-03-52
- (8352)28-53-07
- (351)202-03-61
- (8202)49-02-64
- (3022)38-34-83
- (395)279-98-46
- (4932)77-34-06
- (3412)26-03-58
- (4012)72-03-81
- (4842)92-23-67
- (843)206-01-48
- (3842)65-04-62
- (4212)92-98-04
- (8332)68-02-04
- (4966)23-41-49
- (4942)77-07-48
- (861)203-40-90
- (391)204-63-61
- (3522)50-90-47
- (4712)77-13-04
- (4742)52-20-81
- (3519)55-03-13
- (375)257-127-884
- (495)268-04-70
- (8152)59-64-93
- (8552)20-53-41
- (831)429-08-12
- (3843)20-46-81
- (383)227-86-73
- (3496)41-32-12
- (3812)21-46-40
- (4862)44-53-42
- (3532)37-68-04
- (8412)22-31-16
- (342)205-81-47
- (8142)55-98-37
- (8112)59-10-37
- (863)308-18-15
- (4912)46-61-64
- (812)309-46-40
- (846)206-03-16
- (8342)22-96-24
- (845)249-38-78
- (8692)22-31-93
- (3652)67-13-56
- (4812)29-41-54
- (862)225-72-31
- (8652)20-65-13
- (3462)77-98-35
- (8212)25-95-17
- (4752)50-40-97
- (998)71-205-18-59
- (8482)63-91-07
- (3822)98-41-53
- (4872)33-79-87
- (4822)63-31-35
- (3452)66-21-18
- (347)229-48-12
- (3012)59-97-51
- (8422)24-23-59
- (8672)28-90-48
- (4922)49-43-18
- (423)249-28-31
- (844)278-03-48
- (8172)26-41-59
- (473)204-51-73
- (4112)23-90-97
- (4852)69-52-93
- (343)384-55-89